Students Studying at a Table in Massey

Registration & Schedule Change Policy

Adding, dropping or withdrawing from classes is solely the responsibility of the student. Students must complete schedule changes through BannerWeb during permissible periods (e.g. priority and open registrations, the drop/add period or withdrawal period) as published on the academic calendar.

Student attendance in a class while not registered is impermissible and does not constitute enrollment. Academic credit is earned when a student is registered for the course.

The Following Terms are Provided for Clarification:

Student is enrolled to earn academic credit and a final grade in courses. 

Student is not enrolled in a course nor receive a final grade for academic credit.

Student will not earn academic credit for the course. A final grade of withdrawal (W) is assigned during the grade of W period. A grade of "W" does not count in the grade point average.

During the withdrawal with a grade period, a final grade of withdraw passing (WP) or withdraw failing (WF) is assigned by the instructor based on the student’s academic performance and participation in the class. A "WP" does not count in the GPA, however a "WF" is calculated as an "F" in a student's GPA.

A final grade of FN is assigned when a student exceeds the number of class absences according to the class attendance policy. Withdrawn courses, and those with a final grade of FN, count as attempted but not earned credit hours. Bill hours do not change when a course is withdrawn or assigned the FN grade.

Student will not earn academic credit when auditing a course. If a student desires to enroll in a course as an audit, registration must be completed through BannerWeb during the registration and drop/add period. An AU does not count in grade point average. Tuition and fees still apply to audited courses, but audit hours are not eligible for financial or institutional aid.

The Course Schedule Change Form is submitted by students with exceptional cases or involuntary circumstances. Students must demonstrate the schedule change could not be resolved before the drop and add period ended.

Students with exceptional cases may petition the academic department or instructor for a class override before the registration and drop/add period end. Upon approval for a class override, the student must register for the class through BannerWeb during registration.

Registration, drop/add and withdrawal dates are published on the Academic CalendarRegistrar Calendar and My Belmont Calendar.