Bridges to Belmont Pathway Programs mission is to provide access and an environment that affords students the opportunity to successfully transition from high school to Belmont University. There are currently two opportunities to participation in Bridges to Belmont Pre-College programs.

University You
University You is a two-week, on-campus opportunity to picture yourself in college! Students can achieve at least six hours of university level credit and experience the academic expectations associated with university level work.

Gear Up TN
GEAR UP TN aims to expand the college-going culture in Tennessee. By using an empowerment model that recognizes the assets and needs of local communities, GEAR UP TN looks to shift the state’s educational culture. We aim to develop long-term, successful partnerships to support students in reaching college and providing them with the resources to succeed in college.
Belmont University will be hosting the Gear Up program for the Summers of 2023 and 2024.