Art student from youth program focusing on an art project in a classroom

Studio Series

Watkins College of Art

Youth Programs (ages 12-14)

For more experienced artists, ages 12-14, our Studio Series camps focus on specific media, projects or themes each week, introducing basic principles and elements while exploring advanced techniques for further practice. This age group also learns how to discuss their work and give and receive constructive critiques. These programs are a great way for students to take a deep dive into topics of special interest or experiment with new media! Stay up to date on announcements about this summer program by signing up for our newsletter. Registration begins in early January.


Summer 2024 Programs:

hand holding a marker drawing a comic

Illustration Camp

This camp teaches the basics of illustration. Students will spend half the day working on illustration techniques to create expressive illustrations based on their favorite fictional characters. Students will learn to work in colored pencil, pen, and watercolor to create dynamic, layered compositions. Students spend the other half of their day working in digital media, where they will explore the techniques to create interesting and communicative illustrations using Adobe Photoshop. The instructor will guide the students on basic digital art-making tools and how to apply them to their illustrations. Students will conclude the week by showing off their work in an exhibition with their peers. 

hand rolling ink onto a printing block

Drawing and Printmaking Camp

This camp helps students improve their draftsmanship through instruction in both drawing and printmaking. Students will spend half the day focusing on their drawing skills by creating value studies, learning gridding techniques, and practicing drawing from observation. Students will spend the other half of the day learning various printmaking processes, including printing with presto plates, creating monotypes, and reduction prints. Students will conclude the week by showing off their work in an exhibition with their peers.

hands holding photographs with tongs over a rinsing tray

Photography Camp

This camp teaches students the basics of photography in both digital and darkroom formats. Students will spend half the day learning about photography in a traditional black and white dark room class. Students will learn how to operate a 35 mm camera, develop their own film, and create prints. Students will spend the other half of the day learning how to take digital photographs. Students will learn how to optimize manual camera settings as well as manipulate lighting in a traditional light studio.    

Contact Us

Watkins College of Art

1900 Belmont Boulevard
Nashville, TN 37212

Phone:  (615) 460-6770

Email Us