Students leaning in a classroom from their professor

Change of Major

Students may declare or change their degree, major, minor, emphasis or concentration through submission of a Change of Major form. The form is used to complete either of these actions on the student’s academic record. Students may not change their class schedule as a result of changing their academic program after the published deadlines.

Students interested in Nursing, Songwriting, Music (including minor) or University College must apply for admission into the academic program.

Student Responsibilities:

  • Complete the change of major form. 
  • If you are only changing your degree, minor or emphasis, signature from your current academic department is required. 
  • Requests to change or add a major should be signed by an academic program representative of the new major.  
  • Return the form to Belmont Central. 
  • Once the form is processed, the degree requirements are reported in the Degree Works audit. 

 Students are assigned an advisor by the academic department after the change of major is complete.