Athletics Logos & Marks
The Belmont Athletics suite of logos and official marks signify the Department of Athletics endorsement and should be used as the official identifiers. These logos and marks are licensed by Strategic Marketing Affiliates (SMA) and should be used on all materials used for representation of the individual programs and departments recognized by the Director of Athletics.
Any requests for logo variations (i.e. camp use, community service projects, etc.) must be approved by the Office of University Marketing & Communications.

Primary Logo


Bear Head

BU (Secondary)
Logo Usage
Athletics logos are ONLY for Athletics use. They are not to be used by student organizations, departments, units, etc., in place of the University logo. To approve usage please contact University Marketing & Communications at
Belmont Sports Clubs may utilize the round Bruin icon, the Belmont wordmark and/or the team specific wordmark on their Club uniforms, which may not be made available for sale. The use of these marks must be in keeping with brand book guidelines. Belmont Sports Clubs or other organizations may not utilize or manipulate Belmont’s athletic marks in any other way. In addition, all materials created to identify Sports Clubs, including Club uniforms, must clearly state the word “club” as an identifier of the type of organization. These Sports Clubs may use the words “Belmont University” and “Bruin” and are encouraged to utilize Belmont’s official colors and typefaces.
The Team Specific logo and wordmark can be changed to reflect the name of any of Belmont’s officially sanctioned NCAA athletic teams.