Close up image of a cherry tree with students blurred in the background on blankets on the Belmont lawn

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Brennan Harper

Suggested Readings: Psalms 27, Exodus 32:7-14, Luke 15:1-10

In a time that holds a purpose for us to reflect on Christ’s unwavering care for us, David’s confident declaration of faith combined with his plea for God’s presence throughout Psalm 27 demonstrates a mindset driven by courageous faith. David’s confidence in this passage truly shows God’s provision through the power of however. As the passage states, enemies begin to form against us to devour us, HOWEVER God has already claimed our victory. Armies besiege us, HOWEVER our hearts shall not fear because the Lord is our refuge and our stronghold. Recently, the Lord has taught me the importance of rooting my life within a rock-solid foundation because it’s when you plant yourself in rock-solid foundation that all fears begin to dissipate. My pastor, Pastor Charlie Weir, explained one Sunday morning that “a rock-solid faith in Christ allows Jesus to transform the worriers into warriors,” giving us the courage to fight the spiritual battles each day because of the hope that “if God is for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31 NIV)

Personally, I feel like it’s easier for me to focus on the curveballs that the world throws at me each day rather than remember that God has provided a way for me to survive and thrive despite the circumstances that the world wants to use to deter me from seeking the Lord’s goodness. Yet, I wonder how different our lives would look and how our attitudes would shift if we stopped telling God how big our storms were and started telling our storms how big our God is. David begins to embody this throughout the latter half of this psalm, because he doesn’t just pray for his enemies’ defeat, but also for God’s presence as he says,

One thing I ask from the Lord, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life.

Psalms 27:4 NIV

David begins to realize that it is not enough to want his troubles to disappear, but instead, it is necessary to seek God amidst those troubles, declaring that he “will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.” (Psalm 27:13 NIV)

Throughout this passage, God reveals that He is an ever-present light in the darkest times, encouraging us that we don’t have to fear what the next chapter holds because we know who is writing our stories.

Brennan Harper