A group of international students smiling

Intercultural Competency Program

Whether students are looking to stay in Nashville or travel abroad, intercultural skills are becoming increasingly more important. In order to better equip students to live in a globalized environment, we have developed an Intercultural Competency Program for students to develop the skills needed to interact effectively with people different than themselves. Through this program, students will begin the process of negotiating their own identity and discover ways to resolve cultural differences.

The Intercultural Competency Program consists of seven different co-curricular workshops, each counting as Cultural Well Core credit. These workshops include:

Developing Cultural Competency

Define culture using Hofstede's cultural dimensions.

Social Identity

Identify your own unique cultural background and values.

Shifting Perception

Build skills to approach novel situations as objectively as possible.


Interactive game to learn how to navigate cross-communication barriers.

Story Circles

Practice active listening skills to strengthen cross-communication skills.

Culture and Communication

This session focuses on the relationship between communication styles and national cultures. Using a case study, students will identify strategies to communicate more effectively across cultures.

Cultural Events

Attend any Global Bruins event that showcases another culture through dance, presentation, food, or another way.

Students who successfully complete all these workshops will be awarded recognition at an award ceremony, be provided a pin to wear at graduation, a Global Bruins t-shirt, and a free intercultural test to continue developing their skills.

Global Bruins Events