If I have a concern about another student, how do I let somebody know?
Life can be challenging. If you're concerned about yourself or a friend, we're here to help.

Building: Beaman Student Life Center
Room Number: Suite 200
Phone: 615-460-6407
Email: studentcare@belmont.edu
Website: www.belmont.edu/student-care
The Office of Student Care & Support is here to assist you when you experience difficulties that may prevent full engagement in the collegiate experience or hinder your success. We are here to help when you find yourself facing a variety of academic, health, and/or personal challenges and will walk alongside you to craft a plan that meets your needs.
Building: Gabhart Student Center
Room Number: 1st floor near University Ministries
Phone: 615-460-6617 or 615-460-6911
Email: campussecurity@belmont.edu
Website: www.belmont.edu/ocs
Belmont's Office of Campus Security protects members of the Belmont community while providing a safe and secure environment on campus that is conducive to learning. We strive to provide the best service to our customers while practicing our profession in the most ethical way possible.
Located on the ground floor of the Gabhart Student Center next to University Ministries
We are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
Building: Gabhart
Room Number: 209
Phone: 615-460-6856
Email: counseling@belmont.edu Website: www.belmont.edu/counseling
Instagram: @belmontcounseling
BUCS provides you free and convenient access to professional mental health assessment, emergent care, groups, short-term individual therapy, referrals, and wellness education. Interested? You can schedule an appointment here. In crisis? Click here for more resources.