Traci Poole

Director of Community Practice Advancement and Associate Professor
College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences
PharmD Virginia Commonwealth University School of Pharmacy
Location: McWhorter Hall 314
Dr. Traci Poole is a 2009 graduate of Virginia Commonwealth University School of Pharmacy. Upon graduation, Dr. Poole completed an ASHP/APhA-accredited community-based pharmacy residency VCU School of Pharmacy and Kmart Pharmacy under the guidance of Drs. Amy Rudenko and Kelly Goode. Immediately after residency, she joined the faculty of Belmont University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences in August 2010. Dr Poole is a board-certified ambulatory care and geriatric pharmacist with a primary practice focus of developing clinical services within the community setting and innovative health care models. She has practiced in multiple settings including chain pharmacy, campus pharmacy, a third-party owned patient-centered medical home and is a former pharmacy owner. She now has an established practice site at Riverside Village Pharmacy as the Director of Clinical Services where she precepts fourth year student pharmacists in an Ambulatory Care experiential clinical rotation.
As Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice, Dr. Poole teaches second- and third-year student pharmacists in PHM 6200: Self-Care Therapeutics and PHM 6335: Pharmaceutical Care III as well as several geriatric pharmacotherapeutic topics. She serves as the college’s coordinator for the American Pharmacists Association’s (APhA) certificate program in medication therapy management and is faculty for the immunization certificate program. Dr. Poole has great interest in the advocacy of the profession and is actively involved in the Tennessee Pharmacists Association (TPA), APhA, and the National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA). She currently serves as the faculty advisor to the Belmont’s TPA’s Society of Student Pharmacists and APhA’s Academy of Student Pharmacists.
Community Pharmacy
American Pharmacists Association
Tennessee Pharmacists Association
American Society of Geriatric Pharmacists
American Academy of Colleges of Pharmacy
Psychedelic Pharmacists Association
Poole TM. Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders. In: Chisholm-Burns MA, Schwinghammer TL, Malone PM, Kolesar JM, Bookstaver P, Lee KC. eds. Pharmacotherapy Principles & Practice, 7e. McGraw Hill. Submitted
Poole TM, Robinson J. Intestinal Gas. In: Krinsky DL, Berardi, RR, Ferreri, SP, et al, eds. McGraw Hill: Washington, D.C. Handbook of Nonprescription Drugs: An Interactive Approach to Self Care. 21e. In press.
Poole TM and Greene EM. (2022, March 25). Immunization 103: Pharmacy-Based Immunizations Services Practice Management.
Tanzi M and Poole TM. (2022, March 11). Immunization 102: ACIP-Recommended Vaccines for Adults.
Poole TM. (2021, December 9). Immunization 101 Vaccines: An Introduction to Vaccinology.
Fettkether R, Poole TM. Intestinal Gas. In: Krinsky DL, Berardi, RR, Ferreri, SP, et al, eds. American Pharmacists Association: Washington, D.C. Handbook of Nonprescription Drugs: An Interactive Approach to Self Care. 20e.
Poole TM, Kodali L, Pace A. Integrating Medication Therapy Management Training into the Core Pharmacy Curriculum. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2016; 80(4).
Pace A, Ham A, Poole TM, Wahaib K. Validation of the MUSIC Model of Academic Motivation Inventory in student pharmacists. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning; 8(2016)589–597.
Brinkley JL, Senn JM, Poole TM. Building a lifelong commitment to service. Student Pharmacist 2013; 10(2)5.
Wood KD, Greene EM, Franks RB, Poole TM, Ficzere C, Johnston PE. The Healthcare Future for the iGeneration: Integrating the Patient and the Healthcare System. Innovations in Pharmacy 2013; 4(3)1-5.
Poole TM. A New Generation of Fitness. Transitions Newsletter: A Communication for New Practitioners. American Pharmacists Association. Summer 2011
Lem M, Poole TM, Hagan A. Patient Knowledge, Perceptions, and Willingness to Engage in Pharmacist-Provided COVID-19 Test-to-Treat Services. American Pharmacists Association Annual Meeting; 2023 Mar; Phoenix, AZ. [Poster]
Poole TM. "How We Made It Work: Innovative Community Pharmacy Practices. Low Dose Naltrexone". Invited presentation at: Tennessee Pharmacists Association Winter Meeting Community Pharmacy Workshop. 2022 Feb 27.
Adams J, Poole TM. COVID19 Practice Expansion Examples. Invited presentation at: Academia-CPESN Transformation Collaborative (ACT)/American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Workshop. 2020 Nov 12.
Poole TM, Clauson AS, Stephan D. "Pivoting Community Pharmacy Practice“ Empowering Community Pharmacy Practitioners Through a Community Pharmacy Practice Center of Excellence. American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Virtual Annual Meeting. 2020 Jul 13-31. [Poster]
Poole TM. "Embedding an Advanced Nurse Practitioner in the Community Pharmacy Setting". Invited presentation at: Elevate Pharmacy Virtual Summit 2019. BT Pharmacy Consulting and National Community Pharmacists Association. 2019 May.
Poole TM. "Community Pharmacy's Role on the Health Care Team: A Prescription for Nonprescription Pharmacist Care" Invited roundtable presentation at: National Community Pharmacists Association Annual Meeting; 2016 Oct 15-19; New Orleans, LA
View Additional Presentations on Dr. Poole's Curriculum Vitae
McNeely K, Hagan A, and Poole TM. Incentive grants for residents and their preceptors, The American Pharmacists Association Foundation ($1,000). Sept 2023
Poole TM. Pharmacist-Provided Diabetes and Hypertension Grant Program. Tennessee Pharmacist Research and Education Foundation ($1,100). Oct 2016
Poole TM and Rudenko AW, Incentive grants for residents and their preceptors, The American Pharmacists Association Foundation ($1,000). Dec 2009