Leslie Farrell

Leslie Ferrell

Part-Time RN

Health Services


Degree / Training: Graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from MTSU IN 2006. From there, I went straight into a pediatric primary care clinic RN position for the next 15 years.

Years Working with BUHS / Responsibilities: Currently in my second year working with BUHS. I try to be a Jack of all trades and just jump in where needed to help out—nurse clinic, with an NP, shot clinics, front desk.

Hometown: NASHVILLE!

When I'm not Working, I enjoy: Hanging out with my kids and family, shopping, traveling, reading, watching murder shows and throwback reality tv (where are my MTV Challenge fans at?) 

Favorite Place on or near Campus: 615 Deli. I could eat there everyday for the rest of my life and never get tired of it.

What I love most about working in BUHS: My coworkers. You will not find a more loving, caring, real group of people.