Kevin Robinson

College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences
DSc (Orthopedic Tract) Rocky Mountain University; MS (Physical Therapy) University of Kentucky; BS (Physical Therapy) East Carolina University
Location: McWhorter Hall 341
Dr. Kevin Robinson is a tenured Professor in the School of Physical Therapy at Belmont University. Since 1998, he has specialized in teaching orthopedics and biomechanics. He serves as the Director of the Motion Analysis Lab and is actively involved with the Sports Physical Therapy Clinical Residency programs at Tennessee Orthopedic Alliance and Vanderbilt Orthopedic Institute.
With over 35 years of clinical experience in managing orthopedic and sports injuries, Dr. Robinson has authored more than thirty-five peer-reviewed publications and book chapters. He is a reviewer and Associate Editor for the International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy. He has maintained his Orthopedic Clinical Specialist certification from the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties (ABPTS) since 1995 and practices at the Performance Therapy Institute in Franklin, TN. His clinical work combines his passion for patient care with his expertise in biomechanics and orthopedics, including performing clinical 3D gait and movement analysis to develop rehabilitation and training programs for patients and athletes. Dr. Robinson has worked with numerous high school, collegiate, and professional athletes, and has consulted with the Tennessee Titans and Nashville Predators.
Dr. Robinson is currently engaged in two research tracks. One focuses on identifying at-risk athletes and professional dancers to reduce the number and severity of lower extremity injuries through pre-season testing and predictive algorithms. The other, in collaboration with Dr. Christi Williams, aims to advance the clinical use of hand-held dynamometry. They recently co-authored the book “Strength and Range of Motion Assessment for Today’s Student: The Abbreviated Guide” to provide healthcare providers with an objective approach to assessing orthopedic and neurologically involved patients.
Dr. Robinson's contributions to physical therapy are significant, with his innovative teaching and research approaches inspiring many students and colleagues. His dedication to the field and to patient care has earned him high respect as a professor and mentor at Belmont University's School of Physical Therapy.
Injury Prevention
Orthopedic Section Member
Sports Physical Therapy Section Member
Safety of Mapping the Motor Networks in the Spinal Cord. Soroush Mirkiani1,2,12, MSc, Carly L. O’Sullivan1,2,12, BSc, David A. Roszko2,3, MSc, Pouria Faridi1,2, BSc, David S. Hu2,4, BSc, Dirk G. Everaert2,4, PhD, Amirali Toossi1,2,5, PhD, Ryan Kang2, BSc, Daniel Fang2, BSc, Neil Tyreman2,4, BSc, Ashley N. Dalrymple1,2,6, PhD, Kevin Robinson7, PT, DSc, Richard R. E. Uwiera8, DVM, Hamid Shah9, MD, Richard Fox 2,10, MD, Peter E. Konrad2,11, MD, Vivian K. Mushahwar1,2,4,*,PhD. The Journal of Neurosurgery Spine, to be published early 2024
Book chapter: "Common Orthopedic Elbow Dysfunction”: Robinson K. in Orthopaedic Physical Therapy Secrets, 4th edition to be published February/March, 2024
Text Book: Strength and Range of Motion Assessment for Today’s Student. Robinson K., Williams C. This textbook is hopeful to publish December, 2023, but most likely will be early 2024
Soroush Mirkiani, David A Roszko, Carly L O’Sullivan, Pouria Faridi, David S Hu, Daniel Fang2, Dirk G Everaert, Amirali Toossi, Peter E Konrad, Kevin Robinson and Vivian K Mushahwar (2022) Overground gait kinematics and muscle activation patterns in the Yucatan mini pig. Journal of Neural Engineering, Volume 19, Number 2. DOI 10.1088/1741-2552/ac55ac
Parker, C. , Robinson, K. , Nessler, T. , Sells, P. and Lydon, K. (2022) Investigation of an Eight-Week Neuromuscular Training Intervention on Biomechanical Parameters of the Lower Quarter in Adolescent Female Soccer Players. Open Access Library Journal, 9, 1-21. doi: 10.4236/oalib.1108239.
Parker c., Robinson K, Lydon K, Schmidt R, St. Pierre E, Springer M, Vilm A, Sells P. (2022) Inverstigation of a Three-Week Neuromuscular Training Intervention on Biomechanical Parameters of the Lower Quarter in Female Collegiate Pivoting Athletes. Open Access Libray,9, DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1109559
Jessica Smith, Kevin Robinson. Pat Sells. A Kinematic Analysis of a Series of Jumps in First Position in Professional Ballet Dancers. Accepted for publication in the Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice. IJAHSP 19:4:2021
Kevin Robinson, Craig Parker, Emily Jones, Jenny Ellison, Abby Lester, Kayla Lydon, Megan Rolfe, Pat Sells The Use of an Inertial Motion Analysis System to Evaluate the Kinematics of Landing before and after a Six-Session Training Intervention Focused on Proximal Hip Strengthening, Motor Control, and Lower Extremity Loading Strategies. Open Access Library Journal, 6: e5898. Nov. 2019
Safety of Intraoperative Intraspinal Microstimulation – Implications Towards Functional Mapping of the Spinal Cord by David Hu, Dirk Everaert, Amirali Toossi, Ashley Dalrymple, Richard Uweria, Kevin Robinson, Richard Fox, Peter Konrad, Hamid Shah, Vivian Mushahwar submitted, Feb, 2019
Toossi, Amirali; Everaert, Dirk; Uwiera, Richard; Hu, David; Robinson, Kevin; Gragasin, Ferrante; MushahwarVivian Effect of anesthesia on motor responses evoked by spinal neural prostheses during intraoperative procedures. J Neural Eng. 2019 Jun;16(3):036003. doi: 10.1088/1741-2552/ab0938. Epub 2019 Feb 21.
Robinson, K., Gowen, A., Krichau, A., Garcia, C., Henley, and Sells, P. (2018) A Retrospective Analysis of the Pre-Season Screen Used in a
Professional Ballet Company with Recommendations for Improvements in the Screen. Open Access Library Journal, Vol.05 No.09(2018), Article ID:87432,17 pages
Toossi A, Everaert DG2, Seres P, Jaremko JL, Robinson K, Kao CC, Konrad PE, Mushahwar VK. Ultrasound-guided spinal stereotactic system for intraspinal implants. J Neurosurg Spine. 2018 Jun 15:1-14.
Jennings D, Sells P, Allison J, Boyd K, Frommert D, Kessler C, Merryman L, Muchmore J, Odom TJ, Salmon R, Robinson TK. Effects of a Season of Subconcussive Contact on Child SCAT3 Scores in 8-12 Year-Old Male Athletes. International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy 2015; 10(5) 667-673.
Robinson, TK: Common orthopaedic elbow dysfunctions. In Placzek JD, Boyce DA: Orthopaedic Physical Therapy Secrets, 3rd Edition. Hanley and Belfus, Philadelphia, 2014, ISBN 1560537086
Sells, PD, Cavicchio, H, Everhart, B, Grass, B, Lambert, J, and Robinson, K. Effect of a negative ion holographic bracelet on maximal aerobic performance. J Strength Cond Res 28(10): 2895–2899, 2014
Boren K, Conrey C, LeCougic J, Paprocki L, Voight M, Robinson K. Electromyographic analysis of gluteus medius and gluteus maximus during rehabilitation exercises. International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, 2011; 6(3): 206-223
News article by Sean Fitz-Gerald in the Nation Post, Nov. 2011. Shea Weber and the science of slap. Performed motion analysis study of She Weber, Jordan Tooto, and Cody Fransen of the Nashville Predators NHL team and the results were reported in this article and on Fox Sports in Feb. 2011
Voight ML, Robinson K, Gill L, Griffin K. Postoperative Rehabilitation Guidelines for Hip Arthroscopy in an Active Population. Sports Health: A Multidisciplinary Approach May 2010 2:222-230
Robinson TK, Voight ML. Isokinetics. In Prentice WE, Hoogenboom B (eds): Musculoskeletal Intervention – Techniques for Therapeutic Exercise, McGraw-Hill. 2007. ISBN 13: 978-0071457682
Robinson TK and Griffin KM: Rehabilitation following Hip Arthroscopy. In Byrd JWT, Operative Hip Arthroscopy, 2nd Edition. Springer, New York, 2006. ISBN: 0387210113
Doose M, Hancock M, Hewgley J, Robinson TK, Halle JS, Greathouse DG. Median and ulnar neuropathy in young adult percussionists. Percussive Notes. 2005; 43(3): 60-66
Robinson, TK: Common orthopaedic elbow dysfunctions. In Placzek JD, Boyce DA: Orthopaedic Physical Therapy Secrets, 2nd Edition. Hanley and Belfus, Philadelphia, 2005, ISBN 1560537086
Hargis R, Hutcherson K, Kain J, Phillips A, Robinson TK, Greathouse DG. Median and ulnar neuropathies in ascoustic guitarists. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2005; 36(2): 60-66.
Robinson TK, Griffin K: Rehabilitation following hip arthroscopy. In Bryd T: Operative Hip Arthroscopy, 2nd ed., Springer publishing, March, 2005. ISBN:0387210113
Robinson, TK: An overview of overuse injuries in children and adolescents. The Official Newsletter of the Sports Physical Therapy Section, APTA. Fall, 2001
Robinson, TK: Common orthopaedic elbow dysfunctions. In Placzek JD, Boyce DA: Orthopaedic Physical Therapy Secrets. Hanley and Belfus, Philadelphia, 2001
Robinson, TK, Robinson S: Using assistive gait devices. In Prentice WE, Voight ML: Techniques in musculoskeletal rehabilitation. McGraw Hill, New York, 2001
Robinson TK: A Review on “Little League” Elbow. The Official Newsletter of the Sports Physical Therapy Section, APTA. Fall, 2000
Nyland, J. and Robinson, T.K.: Difference in Shoulder Rotator Isokinetic Strength and Pain in Different NWBA Classifications, Arch Phys Med Rehabil, 1997 78(4):358-363
Hamilton, G.F., Robinson, T.K., and Ray, R.H.: The Effects of Helium-Neon Laser Upon Regeneration of the Crushed Peroneal Nerve. J Orth Sp Phys Ther, 1992 15(5): 209-214.
Platform Presentation: Safety of Mapping the Motor Networks in the Spinal Cord. Carly L. O’Sullivan, Soroush Mirkiani, David A. Roszko, Pouria Faridi, David S. Hu, Dirk G. Evera-ert, Amirali Toossi1,, Ryan Kang, Daniel Fang, Neil Tyreman3, Ashley N. Dalrymple, Kevin Robinson, Richard R. E. Uwiera, Hamid Shah, Richard Fox, Peter E. Konrad, Vivian K. Mushahwar. International Consortium for Rehabilitation Technology (ICRT) RehabWeek, September 23-25, 2021
Platform Presentation: A Kinematic Analysis of a Series of Jumps in Professional Ballet Dancers. Jessica Smith, Kevin Robinson. Pat Sells. PAMA Annual Meeting June 24-27, 2021
Poster Presentation: A Kinematic Analysis of a Series of Jumps in Professional Ballet Dancers. Jessica Smith, Kevin Robinson. Combined Sections Meeting (CSM) Feb. 2021, Orlando, FL
Poster Presentation: A Kinematic Analysis of Non-Injured and Injured Professional Ballet Dancers Performing Fundamental Dance Tasks. Kevin Robinson, Jessica Smith, Justin Brothers, Amy Henson, Tyler Brazelton, Tammy Joe, Ashley Karadeema, Pat Sells, DA, Natalie Michaels. Combined Sections Meeting (CSM) Feb. 2021, Orlando, FL
Poster Presentation: Neuromuscular Training Intervention Developed To Combat The Effects Of Acute Fatigue In Collegiate Pivoting Athletes. Craig Parker, Kevin Robinson, Julianna Harpine, Paige Koshar, Grace Webb, Glenn Fleenor, Shelby Martin, Dylan Green, Tyler Hoek, Pat Sells. American College of Sports Medicine’s (ACSM) 67th Annual Meeting, May, 2020 San Francisco, CA
Research Platform: Jumping to Conclusion: Is the search for symmetry upstaging the injury screen? Eric Bengston, Kevin Robinson, Lindsay Ison. International Association of Dance Medicine and Science (IADMS) Meeting, Montreal, Canada. Oct. 2019
Poster Presentation: Safety of Intraoperative Intraspinal Microstimulation – Implications Towards Functional Mapping of the Spinal Cord
AUTHORS: David Hu, Dirk Everaert, Amirali Toossi, Ashley Dalrymple, Richard Uwiera, Kevin Robinson, Richard Fox, Peter Konrad, Hamid Shah and Vivian Mushahwar. International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society (IFESS) and RehabWeek June, 2019 Toronto.
Poster Presentation: The Use of Proximal Hip Strength and Kinematic Motion to Identify Dancers at Risk for Lower Extremity Injury. Kevin Robinson; Eric Bengtson; Kristyn Harris; Meredith Murrell; Ross Gentry, Combined Sections Meeting (CSM), Jan. 2019 Washington, DC
Poster Presentation: Investigation of an Eight-Week Neuromuscular Training Intervention on Biomechanical Parameters of the Lower Quarter in Collegiate Pivoting Athletes. Zachary Petrosky; Craig Parker; Kevin Robinson; Tiffany Bennett; Sheyenne Turk, Combined Sections Meeting (CSM), Jan. 2019 Washington, DC
Poster Presentation: Safety of Intraoperative Intraspinal Microstimulation – Implications Towards Functional Mapping of the Spinal Cord. David S. Hu, BSc, Dirk G. Everaert, PhD, Amirali Toossi, MSc, Ashley N. Darlymple, BSc, Richard R. E. Uweria, DMV, PhD, T.Kevin Robinson, DSc, Richard Fox, MSc, MD Peter E. Konrad, MD, PhD, Hamid Shah, MD, Vivian K. Mushahwar, PhD. NeuroTrauma 2018, Toronto, CA
Research Platform: The Use of Hand Dynamometry and Motion Analysis in the Preseason Injury Screen of Professional Ballet Dancers. Performing Artist Medical Association (PAMA) International Meeting, 2018 Anaheim, CA
Lab demonstration: The Use of 3D Motion Analysis to Assess the Art of Ballet:
an Interactive Lab. Performing Artist Medical Association (PAMA) International Meeting, 2018 Anaheim, CA
Research Platform: A retrospective analysis of the pre-season screen used in a professional ballet company with recommendations for Improvements in the screen. . IADMS, Oct. 15, 2017, Houston, TX
Lab demonstration: The use of inertial motion analysis systems and hand dynamometry with pre-season screening of professional ballet dancers. IADMS, Oct. 13, 2017, Houston, TX
Poster Presentation: Comparing motion capture systems for clinical appropriateness in lower extremity frontal plane measurements. ACSM, June 2, 2017, Denver, CO
Poster Presentation: Investigation of an eight-week training intervention on kinematics of the hip and knee in adolescent female soccer players. CSM, Feb. 16, 2017, San Antonio, TX
Poster Presentation: The Use of an Inertial Motion Analysis System to Evaluate the Kinematics of Landing Before and After a Six-session Training Intervention Focused on Proximal Hip Strengthening, Motor Control, and Lower Extremity Loading Strategies. CSM, Feb. 16, 2017, San Antonio, TX
Poster Presentation: A Retrospective Analysis of the Pre-Season Screen Used in a Professional Ballet Company with Recommendations for Improvements in the Screen. CSM, Feb. 16, 2017, San Antonio, TX
Department of Defense Grant: Awarded March, 2013 SF 424 (R&R)
Title of Application: Restoration of Standing and Walking through Intra-spinal MicroStimulation (ISMS) in Humans
Applicant/Prime Institution: Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Principal Investigator: Peter E. Konrad, MD, PhD
Cooperating/Subrecipient Institution: Belmont University
Co-Investigator: Kevin Robinson, PT, DSc, OCS
Total Direct and Indirect costs to Belmont University from this grant was $199,996.00 over three years (2013 through 2015)
NIH Grant Number 1RO1EB005684-01A2 Amount of Grant: $1,250,000
Project Title: Robotic Prosthesis for Biomimetic Locomotion in Transfemoral Amputees
Project dates: April 1, 2007 through Jan. 31, 2011
ICD: National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering
Investigators: Michael Goldfarb (PI), Kevin Robinson, Eric Barth, Kevin Fite, Thomas Withrow, Phillip Kampas